Chicago Style Workout 81: Rule or Canard?

A cartoon cat peers over the top of a table as a mouse runs by, the background empty except for a framed drawing of a fish skeleton


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Most writers and editors know that it’s OK to (occasionally and judiciously) split an infinitive. We also know that, barring a more graceful alternative, a sentence-ending preposition is nothing to get upset about. But just because those old canards have lost most of their power to persuade doesn’t mean there aren’t others being needlessly followed or enforced.

Can you tell the difference between a CMOS recommendation and an impostor? Put your knowledge of Chicago style to the test by taking the quiz.

Subscribers to The Chicago Manual of Style Online may click through to the linked sections of the Manual (cited in the answers). (We also offer a 30-day free trial of CMOS Online.)

Note: Style guides sometimes disagree. The answers in this quiz rely on the information in The Chicago Manual of Style.

Now updated to refer and link to the 18th edition.

Chicago Style Workout 81: Rule or Canard?

1. Edited prose shouldn’t include contractions.
2. The passive voice should always be replaced by the active voice.
3. Avoid beginning a sentence with and or but.
4. In most cases, it’s best not to start a sentence with a numeral.
5. Don’t add etc. to the end of a list introduced by e.g.
6. Don’t use back-to-back parentheses.
7. Don’t use literally when you mean figuratively.
8. There are fewer items, not less, because items can be counted.
9. If something is unique, it can’t properly be said to be more unique or very unique.
10. Don’t use till to mean until.


Cartoon of cat and mouse by zsooofija / Adobe Stock.

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