Preeti Malani talks about her career in journalism, medicine, and . . . journalism
CMOS: How did medical school happen after you seemed set for a career in journalism? Was it your intention all along to combine the two?
CMOS: How did medical school happen after you seemed set for a career in journalism? Was it your intention all along to combine the two?
Academic journals are some of the first places that groundbreaking scholarship makes its debut. Speed and accuracy are both important, and so manuscript editors working with journals must be able to deftly maneuver among different styles and strict deadlines. Mary Nell Hoover, a senior manuscript editor, talks about her job in the Journals Editorial Science…
For many authors of academic papers, the specific rules of Chicago style may be some of the only straightforward guidance they get during a perplexing publishing process. Papers seem to disappear into a submission system only to mysteriously reappear with a decision. What is it that journal editors are really looking for?