As many of you know by now, the 18th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style was published last September. To find out what’s new, you can check out “What’s New in the 18th Edition?”
But now there’s an even better way to learn what’s new—by taking our quizzes.
Each one of our eighty-one (and counting) “Chicago Style” workouts has now been updated to refer and link to the 18th edition (as cited in many of the answers). From the first workout, on serial commas, to the last, these quizzes will take you through almost every corner of the Manual, from commas and copyright to hyphens and source citations—and beyond.
Whether you have a subscription to CMOS Online or not, chances are you’ll learn something about Chicago style from these quizzes. If you are a subscriber, you can use the links in the quizzes as your interactive portal to CMOS. If you’re not, consider signing up for a 30-day free trial.
Whatever you do, we hope you enjoy our workouts!
Top image: “Workout Plan” by ricka_kinamoto / Adobe Stock.
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