On target!
Do you know Chicago style for number ranges? Is it 142–3, 142–43, or 142–143? This workout, on inclusive numbers, covers paragraphs 9.62–66 in CMOS 18.
Chicago style for inclusive numbers is formulated to be efficient and unambiguous—but it is admittedly a bit tricky to apply. Even advanced editors might wish to take a look especially at the table in paragraph 9.63 before answering the questions.
(Subscribers to The Chicago Manual of Style Online may click through to the linked sections of the Manual. We also offer a 30-day free trial of CMOS Online.)
Note: These questions are designed to test your knowledge of The Chicago Manual of Style. Other style guides may have different rules and guidelines.
Now updated to refer and link to the 18th edition.
Chicago Style Workout 12: Inclusive Numbers
Photo: 2014 US Army Warrior Game Trials, US Military Academy, West Point, NY; courtesy Joint Hometown News Service, JHTNS-DMA.
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