Should your company subscribe to CMOS Online?

Our brief quiz can tell you whether CMOS Online is right for your company. After answering the questions and clicking Submit, you’ll instantly receive an assessment as well as explanations for each answer. It’s easy and private—no registration or login required.

1. Type of company (check all that apply)
2. How many people does your company employ?
3. Does your company have an in-house style guide? (A style guide lists a company’s preferred rules for spelling, hyphenation, punctuation, etc.)
4. Are publications, reports, or other documents (whether printed or web-based) in your company sometimes prepared by teams?
5. Are publications, reports, or other documents (whether printed or web-based) in your company sometimes shared across multiple locations?
6. Does your company aim for company-wide consistency in styling its publications, correspondence, reports, etc., both printed and online? (That is, does everyone agree on how to present the company’s name or abbreviation, whether to put your website name in italics, when to use a trademark symbol, whether to address clients by their first names in letters or emails, and many other such issues?)
7. Which kinds of materials do your employees prepare? (Check all that apply.)