Chicago Style Workout 21:
Word Usage, Part 4

Women fencing

En garde!

This workout returns to the usage list under paragraph 5.254 in CMOS 18. Today we focus on words beginning with the letter h. Writing and editing are more efficient when you never have to look up harken or dither over hangar versus hanger.

Advanced editors might tackle the questions cold; learners can study that section of the Manual before answering the questions. Take your time—some questions are not as simple as they seem!

(Subscribers to The Chicago Manual of Style Online may click through to the linked sections of the Manual. We also offer a 30-day free trial of CMOS Online.)

Note: Style guides and dictionaries sometimes disagree. This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of The Chicago Manual of Style.

Now updated to refer and link to the 18th edition.

Chicago Style Workout 21: Word Usage, Part 4

1. half. “half the state are solidly Democratic”; “half the people is Republicans”
2. hangar; hanger. “airplane hangars”; “picture hangers”
3. handful. “a handful of trouble is ahead”; “a handful of walnut trees line Main Street”
4. hanged; hung. “criminals were hanged at Tyburn Hill”
5. hark back. “these runes harken back to ancient times”
6. historic; historical. “January 16, 1991, was a historical day in Kuwait”
7. hoard; horde. “they hoarded goods against the invasion of the horde”
8. hoi polloi. “expensive goods that only the hoi polloi can afford”
9. home/hone in. “the missile homed in on the target”
10. hopefully. “hopefully, the treasure will still be there”


Photo: Synchronized Identical Twin Fencing, by Lewis Minor, licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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